
Showing posts from July, 2018


The First step at raising good birds starts from having a good brooding house,once u put up a good broader to house the chicks ,the next thing will be quality of birds. Here in Nigeria we have many good hatchery that can give you good day old chick. But its always good to consider what your target market is , to enable good decision on the type of bird needed.what am saying here is that some broilers are better for body weight such birds will be more beneficiary to a target market of Frozen meat seller.While broilers that will give u good height ,shinning red crown and weight such broilers are best for life sales during festivals . while in buying cockrails some times your locality decides on your choice of colour , some places prefer the black cockrails to the white and some may even prefer the brown to the black or white but all in all the have same management system but colour differentials. for the benefit of new poultry owners or intending poultry owners we offer deli


We shall be looking at raising birds for Domestic purposes and for commercial purposes. Moat especially targeting festival periods in Nigeria. During this learning we shall be looking at the best ways to make money from the sales of Broilers and Cockreals from the Day old purchase ,vaccine timetable and application of Drugs and vaccines ,pen management ,feeding and general poultry management.


We shall be looking at maize we have two main colours of commercial maize in Nigeria, we have the yellow maize and the white maize Depending on your location in Nigeria both Maize are very commercially viable. As for me, i prefer the yellow maize because in my location in the south west, the demand for the yellow maize is higher.  Most consumers here believe its sweeter, For me i cant really say so, But in business the customer is the king so i plant the yellow maize . The plough attached to a tractor used in ploughing Some people may ask what specie i plant, First of all any good hybrid seed will do well using the best farming practice ,But i plant Sammaz 39 That dosent mean that its the best but thats the better one always Available to me some farmers even prefer some trusted local breed due to its adaptation to their environment but i dont go for that Because sometimes it may back fire. In farming the first step to a successful Harvest is land clearing depending on the p


Farming remains the easiest way for mans survival ,as it puts food on our table provides finance which solves our other daily need apart from food ,How ever over the years youth especially, believe that farming is meant for the old simply because of the usage of the old farming methods which can hardly feed a small family without looking for external means of survival. But a closer look at those old method of farming will still proof that we had very many very very rich old farmers ,the question now is how did some farmers move ahead of others using same system.the answer here is improving on a system and due diligent in application. Here at lets farm its going to be an interactive secession we will look at very common crops that can change the lives of a young a farmer. first of all remember this as a farmer u NEED TO GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY TO GET YOUR POCKETS FILL. As we go on we encourage every one not to be a read only kind of farmer but ask questions where you dont understand an