
Showing posts from February, 2023
 SHELLESS EGGS OR SOFT EGGS   If you are poultry farmer who farms for eggs or keep laying birds for eggs production this may not sound new to you , But if you are an intending egg farmer this is a situation where your laying birds lay eggs that have soft shell eggs , this eggs sometimes break immediately they are laid while some times you  may see them where you pick them up you will notice their shell are too soft and even sometimes if birds are on the floor or deep liter system immediately its laid other birds drink this egg .   This may start from a bird before some other birds may join in laying such egg .  This situation is mostly caused by newcastle disease in the farm First cure is make sure your farm have BIOSECURITY you should prevent people from just entering your farm anyhow no matter how small you consider your farm to be. And if people must enter put a mat or deep where they must deep their legs inside a disinfected water and wash their hands this helps to keep the safe th


 STARTING A LAYERS FARM              Starting a layers farm is not very different from starting a broilers farm , However its important to understand what is a layers farm. Layers farm just like the name suggest is the farming of laying birds , Laying birds are birds kept for egg production this eggs are sold for consumption although some breeder farms , farm laying birds to use their fertilized eggs for the purposes of hatching day old but here we are concentrating on the farming for eggs for sales and consumption . Female birds lay eggs but some specifically are designed to lay more eggs than others , you may have been told that Noilers lay eggs , yes they do but they are not classified to be best layers so we shall talk about laying birds for commercial brooding . When considering keeping laying birds you have to understand that they are 2 ways to keep them its either on deep liter system or battery cage system . Battery cage system involves a system whereby birds are kept in iron c

Difference between Noilers and Laying Birds in Egg production

  Let's talk about Poultry NOILER birds  Many poultry farmers must have heard or seen  noiler birds, some even call it Israel birds,  some hatchery have even changed the name to  attract more market by calling it Dual or  Nobbler but all as same species of bird, the  noiler birds was first introduced to the Nigerian  Market as noiler by AMO hatchery it was a  science of combination of broiler and cockerel  traits in one bird, the idea behind it is to have  rugged bird that can withstand some  household disease and still produce meat and  egg for the owners  At the time of introduction there were many  resistance from farmers who did not  understand the breed at that time it was more  expensive than cockerel although cheaper than  broilers and pullets but with constant market  penetration has come now to compete  favourably but there are many farmers who  confuse this birds because of the market hype. First of all Noilers are good birds, they are  strong and can go on free range wit