This is a pictorial and analytical explanation of raising birds from day old to maturity using broilers , But note that the birds used in the illustration are not from same farm but they from different farms but with proper illustration on the current size and age as to what is generally acceptable.

after successfully building   a broader or cage as the case maybe, the next step will be to wash the broader using detergent and hypo or jik as the case maybe sometimes u may have to get to your vet doctor and ask for available disinfectant , this is done to make sure the broader is free from any microbial organism and viral organism which if not remove may live as a para cite on the birds and cause more damage due to infections. And the bad news is that they weaken the immune system of the birds thereby making drugs not effective in treating the birds.

This picture shows after wash of a broader ,it will be allowed to dry at least for a full day to make sure that their is no moist on the floor.

After the floor is fully dried wood shaving is used to cover the floor before placing feeders and drinkers

This is the arrival of the birds they are usually arranged 50+1 in a carton

This is brooding proper the heat is usually on for them for 10 to 15 days try and make sure that when you on the fire on charcoal try to avoid smoke to avoid choking the birds

This bird is 6 days old

If its in the hot weather when the birds are up to 8 days u may reduce the heat for them just like the above picture the heat is normally with drawn in the afternoon but must be on through the night.Whenever your doing this try and be observant to notice that your birds are not clustering at a corner but always spreed around like the picture above .


  1. hope u learned something so far more pics with explanations are coming , and if you have any questions pls ask


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