SHELLESS EGGS OR SOFT EGGS If you are poultry farmer who farms for eggs or keep laying birds for eggs production this may not sound new to you , But if you are an intending egg farmer this is a situation where your laying birds lay eggs that have soft shell eggs , this eggs sometimes break immediately they are laid while some times you may see them where you pick them up you will notice their shell are too soft and even sometimes if birds are on the floor or deep liter system immediately its laid other birds drink this egg . This may start from a bird before some other birds may join in laying such egg . This situation is mostly caused by newcastle disease in the farm First cure is make sure your farm have BIOSECURITY you should prevent people from just entering your farm anyhow no matter how small you consider your farm to be. And if people must enter put a mat or deep where they must deep their legs inside a disinfected water and wash their hands this h...